Digital Transformation
At Baker Tilly, we work with our clients to gain understanding in depth of their specific organization needs, and come up right solutions that best fit the needs and the budgets of our clients. Our objective is to meeting our client’s current need of digital solutions that can deliver transformative changes that bettering their experiences for tomorrow. Our Digital Transformation Services will carefully craft into various stage of processes as per the 6 main clusters.
Project and Process Management
We will firstly review and analyze our client’s existing business processes and software that are currently in place, then we will establish the suitable program and implementation road maps. With our methodologies, project control mechanism, project execution and change management support that tailored to our client’s situation, we are able to ensure we control the pulses along the whole project implementation cycles and continue to collaborate with our clients after implementation, to help ensure success of each project.
Digital Adoption Management
Digital transformation will involve many aspects of changes within the organization, in term of business processes, operations and supporting technology and tools. Therefore, it is important that we are able to identify the areas that needed our comprehensive change management program to overcome the challenges and to adjust the organizations relevant business processes to achieve the transformation goals.
Business Strategies Analysis
We have our experts to design suitable approaches with objective to understand our client’s business and come out diagnostic solutions that to appraise whether our client is ready to embrace into the digital transformation journey. We will gain in-depth knowledge of our client’s current capabilities, strategies and direction and maturity level, which enable us to develop a road map of transformation that make sense to our client’s business.
Business Process Structure
We understand that it is crucial to gather and align the technology capabilities to achieve the true digital transformation, at Baker Tilly, we will review and perform mapping of the client’s existing business processes to the broader transformation priorities, which able for us to assist our client to focus on the priority areas and enact simplified process to achieve the transformation that mapped with the improved business processes and practices.
Software Evaluation
Baker Tilly will evaluate our client’s current adopted technology, and to identify the gaps that exist based on our analysis, we will then able to lay down the suggested solutions of key technologies that able to fill the gaps. We will come out various options, can be the commercial off the shelf solutions, or a new built solutions or even can be extensions to the client’s current solutions, which will eventually subject to the client’s cost-benefit analysis on our suggestions.
Post Implementation Optimization
The big picture of our client will be the prime objective, with that in mind, we set our focus on areas of design, configuration, testing, training, and management and maintenance platforms. This will ensure our client has the necessary post implementation supports.